Friday Wayne (ISD Director and Fly-fisherman) hosted a TGIF party at his home. It was on the roof top and catered. I have never in my life been so forced to eat hor'devours. All the soda, beer, and wine you could drink. Great food and a wonderful time to sit and chat with colleagues.
We had to leave early because Gabbie is sick as a dog. A protozoan has invaded her lungs and she is having a hard time breathing. Oh Africa. She got it from food. A doctor came to the bungalow today and put her on antibiotics and pain killers. She has to miss the first few days of school, poor girl! If she doesn't feel better by tomorrow, she will need to get a lung scan. Please send good thoughts, prayers, wishes...
Monday: Gabbie is still sick and went to get a chest X ray today. This new doctor told her that it was just the "Senegalese Flu" and that all she needs is vitamin C. when I got home from work, the original doctor came by and referred us to a chest x ray facility.
Tuesday: She's breathing and feeling better. I think that she'll be back in saddle again tomorrow. PHEW!
Wed.: She's up and already getting on me to not eat red meat. Gotta love her.