Saturday, May 15, 2010


A few weeks ago I was attacked my my guard/gardener and had to go home for safety and health reasons. I no longer felt safe in Senegal and had to leave to ensure no further damage would happen to me. This is my last official Senegal blog.

In reflection, I have mixed feelings about my journey to Senegal. I met some terrific people and also met some definite weirdos. I am glad to be back in the USA and feel a ton safer. People always said to me "these kinds of things happen in America". I disagree. There is a sense of security and calmness here. Perhaps also organization. I know I have rights here. God Bless America!

I do miss my students. I miss eating lunch with my elementary girls, playing banana grams with Selma and Anthea, StuCo and asking Tenimba to say please. I miss my one on one chats with Rhynardt and joking with Jay and Ben. I miss Fraser and his sense of humor. I miss Chiaki's voice because each day it was getting stronger. So, I miss my students.

I also miss my wife. I am so lucky to have her in my life. What a wonderful woman and friend. A true life partner.

I miss some adults too: Desvaux, Stacey, Yeager, Mary, the library staff, Becs, Crystal, J. Smith, Natalie, the Ducharmes, and Andrea. I hope we can keep in touch, if not, that's life. I was glad to know you and share some good times.

The healing process has begun. Thanks to everyone that had followed my blog.