Monday, October 26, 2009

Shelly's House in N'Gor Village

We ended up giving our colleague Shelly a ride home today. Shelly is a unique wonderful soul who loves to dance. She has met the Dalai Lama, lived in a Tee pee for ten years (in Vermont!), and is a mother and wife. Her husband is from Guinea as is her beautiful young son, both love to fish. Shelly has traded in the expat luxurious and sometime mundane lifestyle for the vibrant and friendly African village of N'Gor. Shelby, Gina, Gabbie and I were lucky enough to get invited into Shelly's home and neighborhood. We got to see baby goats, watch fisherman bring in fish, play a little soccer, and watch young boys get chased by a goose.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Neighborhood

Gabbie and I live in N'Gor. It's near the airport, Virage beach, the casino (not the grocery store), and festival de glaces. I went walking around the other day and decided to take some photos.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What's New

Well besides working, I have been busy. Softball season has started and there are parties everywhere. This time around it is not so hard. I don't even notice the garbage anymore. Things make me laugh instead of angry. So, that's it, I'm okay. It's good.

This new signed popped up recently in my neighborhood. It doesn't make sense to me. An African product/billboard sign featuring a young Latino gangster. I am boggled and tickled.

The other image is me with our jarden'er Muhammed. He's kind and light hearted. Gabbie discovered today that he smokes and was surprised.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

I thought I would post what some of the billboards look like here. Which one is your favorite?