Senegal is very beautiful in some places, but no matter where you go, there is always garbage. I don't get how people can just put their trash on the ground like that. There is no system for garbage, there are no cans or recycling centers. To get rid of it, people burn it. It's really sad for me to see. I guess it's real in the way that I see now how much garbage people really go through. In the states there is a system and we don't see it. We can ignore it. Here it's in your face, it's everywhere. The pictures are of a hike we went on and a potential fishing spot as well. It's beautiful, but trashed. This is Senegal! So much potential but no structure and little education. Plastic is a huge problem. When I go swimming in the ocean, bags get caught on my arms and legs. Where ever I walk, there is trash. The weird thing is, I am getting used to it. I don't register it anymore, it's just part of the scenery. SAD!
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2 months ago
1 comment:
It is sad, but I can remember as a kid, people throwing their trash out the car windows, along our roads were beer and soda bottles(no cans yet to speak of) paper from sandwiches, cigarette butts etc. We used to burn our trash in metal drums, or just set fire to our heaps of garbage that were dumped in a spot on the property then what was left was buried a couple of times a year. Even people in the towns and cities had the metal drums to burn their trash.Needless to say we sure polluted our air and waterways, until some people who figured out what harm we were creating (DUH) figured out ways to correct our ways. So maybe it will get better there. Ignorance can be corrected.On the up side as a kid I could walk or ride my bike to town 3 miles pick up the bottles along the way (bottles were refilled then) return them at 2cents each and have money for spending in town and some change in my pocket.Maybe kids doing that were the beginning of recycling and we didn't even know it!!!
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