Monday, January 4, 2010

Sunset Snorkeling

Captain of the longboat.
The beach we were to dine on.
The snorkelers! I met people from Australia, Norway, South Africa, Holland, Ireland, and Canada.
The cool boat we got to board.
This snorkeler was sea sick. Cool booties though!
Chok Di (cheers in Thai)
Mr. Mek, one of our guides.
Gabbie doesn't like it when people comment on her excellent sun protection.
Above is the cave we snorkeled in.

Gabbie arranged for us to take a snorkeling trip yesterday. We first boarded a longboat and went to our first beach. It was awesome to be in water where the coral is still alive and the tropical fish plenty. We then hit another bay and that was nice too. Our third spot allowed us to swim into a cave, which was really cool. After that we switched boats and boarded a wooden ship. From there we went to a beach to have dinner. It was dark out by then and after dinner we went for a swimming in phosphorescence. That was a first for me and it was outstanding.


Linda said...

I really enjoyed following your vacation on your blog. You did a great job, thanks, love ya, remember it won't be too much longer, mom

Lucky Girl said...

beautiful photos - where did you go snorkeling? we just came back from thailand a few days ago and it is SO beautiful. i miss the clear blue waters already!