Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Few Days of School

Wow! ISD is awesome! I am going to have high job satisfaction this year. My students are respectful, nice, attentive, and they all write their names on their paper without being reminded.

Teaching Math is new and time consuming, but a lot of fun.

Attached is a map of where students at ISD come from. As you can tell it's very diverse. A lot of my kiddos already speak 2-3 languages and have lived in 3-4 countries. Can you imagine?

It might just be the "honeymoon" stage as my colleague Tod calls it so I'll tell you how it goes in a few months.


Wintry said...

SO glad to hear you love school and even happier to hear Gabbie is doing better!! (health trumps job satisfaction!)

Sorry I've been bad about emailing--when you have a baby and a broken-legged husband, your time is somehow sucked away. Weird.

We miss you all tons, but love that you are having great adventures!!!

Stay away from the goat meat!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear Gabbie is feeling better!

And glad that you're jiving on teaching. If you can't get excited/happy at the beginning of the school year, it'll be a long-ass unhappy time until the kids get out....

Jen said...

Heather- what's this I hear that YOU are now the sick one?? Crap- I hope you two get better over the weekend. Probably no Memorial Day there, huh? Glad you are loving the school!

Pickles said...

Wow that is a lot of places I am so glad to hear that you're ready to start school I am not I want to be back in 6th grade with all my favorite teachers again. I don't want to start high school :( I am scared to go plus no Ms.Hendel there >:( but there will be Ms. Elarth YAY!! :)

~good luck with your kiddos and hopes you feel better!! ^.^

Heather Olson said...

meg are you pickles?